After years of hosting paranormal explores on the rocky coast of Maine, and introducing guests to island mysteries on their Western Caribbean Expedition, Red Cloak Tours and Mysterious Destinations Tours are pleased to announce a complete overhaul of

“This online publication will allow our readers to explore Mysterious Destinations throughout North America and the Caribbean,” said Director Sally Lobkowicz. “First, they can read about the location and our exploration of it at; second, our articles will tell them how they can visit the location themselves.”
The destinations selected will be home to mysteries of all sorts… From ghostly hauntings to alien encounters to animals whose existence hasn’t been confirmed by science. “We want to cover the full spectrum,” Lobkowicz said.
Coverage of these mysteries will be from a purely journalistic angle. “We don’t claim to be experts on the paranormal or cryptozoology, but when we need experts, we’ll find them and interview them,” Lobkowicz said. “We want to present the facts and let our readers come up with their own conclusions, whether they do so through our website, or by using the information we provide to visit the location personally.”
As well as mysterious destinations, the online magazine will cover issues associated with traveling to them. “Future editions will include articles covering issues like the process of getting your ghost hunting gear through airport security, looking for cruise based mysterious destinations, and what ‘orbs’ might be,” Lobkowicz said.
To compile information for, the Mysterious Destinations team embarked on multiple research expeditions that have taken them to 18 US states, 7 Caribbean islands, and the countries of Mexico and Belize; covering over 200 destinations — everywhere from the Witch’s House in Portland, Oregon to Johnny Cash’s house in Jamaica.
“We have plenty of material, and we’re still doing more research,” Lobkowicz said. “We invite the curious reader to join us as we explore Mysterious Destinations.”
The online magazine will publish a new article every week, with subscribers receiving an email link.
All of the articles will be stored in an archive that will provide readers with a library of reading selections that will continue to grow with each new edition of
The principal staff members for Mysterious Destinations Magazine are Sally Lobkowicz (Director) and Greg Latimer (Research Director). Their efforts will be supplemented by contributors. “As time goes on, we anticipate more and more qualified people to join us as contributors, which will allow us to enhance and expand our coverage,” Lobkowicz said.
“We invite readers to share their comments and ideas for stories or story ideas with us… And if there are writers or bloggers out there who would like to become contributors… Please use the following link to contact us,” Lobkowicz said. To contact Mysterious Destinations Magazine, click here.