Since 2013 Mysterious Destinations Magazine has been exploring mysteries of all sorts… From ghostly hauntings to alien encounters to animals whose existence hasn’t been confirmed by science. Readers are always invited to visit the locations to “see for yourself, and decide for yourself.”
To compile this information, the Mysterious Destinations team has embarked on multiple research expeditions that have taken them to 21 US states, 7 Caribbean islands, and the countries of Mexico and Belize; covering over 200 destinations — everywhere from the Witch’s House in Portland, Oregon to Johnny Cash’s house in Cinnamon Hill, Jamaica.
Now Mysterious Destinations Magazine announces a new and improved website, offering readers better readability for mobile devices, more online interaction, and of course… New destinations for the inquisitive traveler who wants to learn more from home, or travel personally to these mysterious destinations.
Readers will see an incredible diversity in the locations and subject matter for these stories. In our “premier edition” for the revised site we have locations on both U.S. coasts, within three states and the Virgin Islands, covering haunts, legends, a sea serpent, and pirate treasure.
Mysterious Destinations Magazine will also carry an extensive library, filled with the many stories that have been posted since 2013, enhanced with the addition of new articles.
We encourage readers to “join the adventure” by signing up for our free subscription. Our subscribers will receive regular emails advising them when new stories have been posted and providing links to those stories. (Subscriber emails will arrive no more than once a week, and we do not share our email list.) Subscribe here.
We also invite readers to share their comments and ideas for stories or story ideas with us… And, if there are writers or bloggers out there who would like to become contributors… Please contact us!